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Coffee roaster Bean makes its Leeds debut with an opening at Wellington Place

Independent specialty coffee roasters, Bean Coffee, have chosen Wellington Place as their first location in Leeds.

Bean Coffee was scheduled to open at 11 Wellington Place on Thursday, February 13.

In addition to coffee, it will also offer a selection of toasties, baguettes, and pastries.

Paul Pavia, commercial director at MEPC, said: “At Wellington Place, we’re committed to curating a diverse and exciting food and drink offering that cements our position as the number one place to work, visit, and do business in Leeds.

“This is why we couldn’t be more pleased to introduce Bean Coffee to our neighbourhood. It’s a brilliant addition, driving our reputation as a key destination in Leeds, both throughout the week and at weekends.”

Jon Whyte, co-founder and managing director at Bean Coffee, added: “Wellington Place is a bustling, energetic district in the heart of the city.

“As our first store in Leeds, we knew that we wanted to be part of this community. MEPC’s commitment to creating an inclusive neighbourhood that supports the local community aligns with our business ethos and we can’t wait to open.”