Ross Kemp to front new campaign championing SmartDispense®

Actor, journalist and documentary maker, Ross Kemp, has joined forces with HEINEKEN UK to showcase the benefits of its industry leading SmartDispense® cellar technology in a highly engaging video series launching this month.

The new campaign, Ross Kemp Behind Bars, will follow Kemp as he visits great pubs up and down the country to find out how SmartDispense® helps licensees save over 20,000 pints per year of beer, cider and water, and deliver the perfect pint every time.

It comes in response to new research showing the importance of serving great quality beer, with 60% of Brits admitting they have left a pub after one drink because they were unsatisfied with the quality of the serve Furthermore, 12% claim that when served a bad pint they won’t finish it and just leave The survey also shows that drink quality is the leading reason Brits would recommend a pub to others (31%) , while 54% of pub-goers claim they are more likely to go to a pub if they know the venue had invested in equipment that could better ensure quality pints.

Ross Kemp Behind Bars will kick off on 14th May, with the launch of the first episode in the video series, across SmartDispense® digital channels. As part of the campaign, licensees across the UK will get the chance to win a shift from Ross who will visit the winning venue to serve refreshingly chilled beer and cider to their customers. Anyone signing up to install a SmartDispense® draught system in May, June and July will be entered into the prize draw.

The Ross Kemp Behind Bars campaign will also directly engage with drinkers to remind pub-goers of the hard work that goes into making each pint perfect. The consumer outreach will be supported by a high impact competition and amplification through digital and social channels.

Will Rice, On-Trade Director, at HEINEKEN UK says: 'The pint is at the heart of the British pub experience – it’s that moment where a perfect pour, a clean branded glass, and just the right amount of fizz come together. With HEINEKEN SmartDispense®, we're on a mission to ensure every pint is perfection, changing the game, ensuring every sip is as perfect as the last. We wanted to lift the lid on the tech behind these perfect pints and who better to help us than one of Britain’s most famous landlords. We know how important quality is to our consumers which is why we’re so excited to not only showcase our HEINEKEN SmartDispense® technology but also shine a light on the hard-working landlords that make it all happen.”

As well as ensuring the perfect pint is poured every time, SmartDispense® enables licensees to save 85% of beer, cider, water and cleaning materials*. It also requires fewer line cleans per year, which ultimately saves time, all while increasing the yield of every keg of beer.

For more information on HEINEKEN SmartDispense® and the prize draw, please go to